Honey Sriracha Brussels

Honey Sriracha Brussels

It seems that a lot of people are skeptical about brussel sprouts. I would have been one of them for most of my life. They smell a little funny and most ways you cook them, I feel like they taste just as odd.

However, one day a few years ago, my husband and I went to a local restaurant where they had a Balsamic Parmesan Brussel Sprouts appetizer. They were roasted to a the perfect crunch and bursting with flavor. They didn’t taste like ‘regular brussel sprouts’ at all. Now, it’s much more common to see this type of app or side dish at a wide number of restaurants.

We often eat our ‘Brussels’, as we affectionately refer to them, Simply Roasted. But anyone who knows us knows we like to add a little spice to things when we can! I mean, who doesn’t?

One thing to consider when making your honey sriracha sauce is your preference for heat (or maybe the preference of your audience). Add sriracha slowly and taste as you go… I can tell by color now, but the first few times I was a little off and after the first taste it makes it harder to get the sweet and spicy combination just right.

– Brussel Sprouts
– Olive Oil
– Salt & Pepper
– Honey
– Sriracha

Kitchen Items You’ll Need:
– Knife               
– Cutting Board               
– AirFryer  OR
– Baking Sheet and Aluminum Foil

Cooking Instructions:               
1. Rinse, trim and halve brussel sprouts
2. Spray or lightly coat with oil, salt, pepper    
3. If using AirFryer, place in basket and cook at 350 for 10 minutes (I shake them about halfway through)
4. If roasting in oven, cover baking sheet in aluminum foil, lay brussels in a single layer, and cook at 400 for 45 minutes (I don’t always stir during cooking when using this method, but it’s up to you.
5. While brussels are cooking, mix honey sriracha sauce.
6. When brussels are done, toss in bowl with honey sriracha sauce and serve

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